Sunday, June 13, 2010

Love, Love,.. love, love, love, love

So I havn't been able to connect for some time now, and now that I officially have three other things I should be doing, as well as three other things I have to blog about, I'll do this one as a quicky for starters.
Connally tagged me recently in her ever amusing musings of a hippie
So, I'm doing as instructed and giving up 12 likes, 1 love, and 8 hates.
The rules are: include the bolded words as starters and tag three other bloggers.
That last one might be a toughey for me, but oh well.

AbRaCaDaBrA, WoW!
I LIKE boys with
chivalrous tendencies,
I LIKE girls with dark wavy hair.
I like blondies with brown eyes.
I like coffee: two and a half sugars and a mushroom cloud of milk, at best.
I like watching clouds.
I like finding old letters.
I like accidentally saying the same thing at the same time.
I like late walks under stars.
I like the sound of my dad's voice from within his chest.
I like green, though I seem to have an awful lot of red (the opposite of green).
I like misspelling words on purpose.
I like getting dirty to help someone out (anybody need a well?)

I LOVE to dance: always? yes. with a partner? always.
today showed me unfinished business.
in some ways, I love everything
its less, its less of a thing to like, its less distinct, its less particular
i like things that I like but I love everything
there's more choice in like
cause even the worst things have things you love in them
I don't know what you mean about things I hate

I hate being a disappointment.
I hate music to be interrupted.
I hate red tide.
I hate broken hearts.
I hate cowardliness but in a way, it's something I struggle with.
I hate not liking myself all the time.
I hate people who don't care and don't care to understand.
I hate missing you.
I hate this, wow...

Tags awarded to..
My Aunt Sarah, because "the boy cousins need to stick together"
Meli, if I ever have coffee needs.. I know who to call
and Connally, because just like her voicemails, She can always make me laugh.

For now I'll just leave you with these.
take your pick.
-couraJosh 1:9-


  1. uhm...i am so ridiculously glad we are best friends. have i told you that lately? cause i am!
    and i love that you said "amusings musings"; it made me smile real big.

    gonna go watch those youtube videos now...oh! PS that you like "blondies with brown eyes" warmed my heart (i've always struggled with feeling like a natural genetic mess up). ♥

  2. Since I am not a blogger. At the moment anyway. Yet I found this nice little box I can write in a leave you a comment. This blogging thing is catching my attention the more I think about it... but I wanted to say that I am so glad that you are real. I appreciate it. I value it. and I envy it. with that said, keep it real brother. =)

  3. Since you tagged me in this postL
    Miss you kid!
