A few days ago I was reading Wild at Heartby John Eldredge... a book about being the man that you, (Men that is) are created to be. The whole thing goes along an analogy of the hero with a battle to fight and a damsel to rescue. Anyway,I was reading some about "the Enemy" that strives to deter us from becoming the heroic men of God that we seek to be. One of his most common tactics is to convince the Christian that there is no enemy, that he isn't here.

But he is. Always present, always working.
The book talked about how he whispers thoughts and temptations, throwing us into a tizzy of confusion. Something that really spoke to me was in recognizing what thoughts were mine and what were firey darts. Also, God is not a condemner... so those thoughts of "God isn't pleased with me," or "God has become distant from me" are lies. True: sin blocks that flow of communication, but there is no good OR bad reason for God to distance Himself from someone He loves so much.
One of the cool random things Eldredge dose is make movie references. He makes alot of Gladiator and Brave Heart ones (..hmm.. wonder why?). I love it. At one point there was "discussion" in the book about wanting to be like William Wallace, " But I feel like I'm the guy back there in the fourth row, with a hoe"(142). The book goes on to talk about how in our own lives, we ARE the hero.. we ARE William Wallace, or Maximus, or Joan of Arc for that matter!! Because it is our lives, we are the protagonist.
At this point, I began to wonder what movie character would best suit me... not my looks, but my personality. An already long story short, I came to the realization of how incredibly proud I am and at the same time, extremely insecure and fearful of taking initiative in life. I was falling for Satan's schemes and thinking it was all on my shoulders, when it's not suppose to be. Mixed in with the defiant "I should be able to do this without help or advice," it is not a good place to be.
This realization made me seriously question some of the things that I was holding on to and working towards.
The first question: Is this for me or for God?
The second question: Why is it for me or God?
The third question: Are my "reasons" for doing this the true reasons?
The fourth question: Is that glorifying God?

I am still struggling, but looking with a brighter outlook as before.
Thank You Lord for being patient and faithful, and Thank you John Eldredge for pointing things out in a new way.
Great thoughts, Nate. Keep leaning into God and following after Him!!