Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Smile

Have been encouraged by the new group study I'm in on the book called "Love, Sex, and Lasting Relationships" It's starting out with a beautiful contrast between what 'Hollywood" says Love is and what God says... and how to find it with another.
Answered prayers, surprise visits from old friends, and spoken truth have all added to a week of the Lord working behind the scenes.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Slowly moving on..

Here I am again, on a Saturday evening, living like there's no change from yesterday. Still getting up at 5am for work... still getting a paycheck on Fridays that's a little under $300.... still wondering where this is all heading. Yes, I am SLOWLY making progress toward my Scotland trip. No, I did not go down to my home church and visit for a couple of weeks (yet). Things have been post-pond, people are dragging their feet with information, and on top of it all, I feel like I have no time in the evenings to do anything productive. Or maybe I'm still not using my time efficiently.
I feel like I'm starving for Truth and to be fed spiritually. My mind and heart are weak to the things of the world and I have been rarely walking in the Spirit. I'm discouraged.
Honestly, I'm hating me for not getting things underway... but there's also little I can do with what I have.
Please pray that I don't get over zealous and press on harder than I have right to or need to.
In other words... pray that I patiently wait on the Lord and depend on His timing.