1> God is outside of time and sees all of these sunrises and sunsets as an objective timeline, leading up to His glorious return. And as such, He works accordingly (past, present, future).
2> God answers prayer..always. Even the answers we don't want.
Part I: the morning prayer
I got up early-ish this morning so I for sure had time to spend with God. Been slacking terribly lately.. but sleeping on the couch helps because the sun rises on that side of the house and shines in through the glass door.
Anyway, I got my coffee and bagel and began to pray, thanking God for the day and the food and among other things, work. That led me to ask that He save us (my co-workers included) from the heat of the day. We have been working out in the sun from 10am-5pm for the past few days. If you know anything about Missouri weather, you know summers are ruthlessly hot and humid. Heat is one thing.... but the humidity practically drowns you in "fresh air."
Part II: Section 1: the prayer update (answer for the present)
Off to work and loving it. Any morning spent with the Creator is like a walk in the Garden. I to out of the car to feel the sunshine on my already browning skin.. then realized... I'm not sweating yet!
All morning I heard "Wow! it really cooled down!" "It's not too humid today.."
All I could say was "Thank you God for answering prayer."
Part II: Section 2: the prayer update (answer for the past)
The day continued as usual... work projects till lunch and then groups at 1:30. I was on Tower again and we were sending people down pretty quick. During a slower time, my manager and I chatted a bit between Towers, "What do you think of improvements so far, now that we're nearly done?" he asked. I said I thought they were great,but that we needed more staff to help it run smoothly. He smiled when he said, "Maybe I'll have enough leverage to make that request now that we're nearly $8,000 ahead of last year(to date)."
Wow... the coolest part of that is that I had been praying periodically through out this last year for that very thing to happen. Last summer we were behind the previous year's profits, and things seemed to be getting worse, so I just prayed for an increase. My heart smiled at the news. The Lord was smiling on us, it seemed, and answering that one with a "yes."
Part III: an evening prayer
4:40..gotta run. Off to my ministry Thursday Bible Study, with "my boys". Sped home, showered, and got there early enough to check my voicemails. The study went well, only two were present since the third had moved out, ... but,good, Multiple times to talk about the blood sacrifice for the covering of sins and the pointing to Christ. Bittersweetly, I learned that tonight was the last night for the other two as well. I knew they were off to better things and growth, but I will miss them. They were my "firsts" if you will, in leading a Bible Study. In truth, it would be ideal that I would not see them in my study again, because if I did, that means they got in trouble again.
My prayer in closing was that they go and grow in their next steps and that the Lord would draw them closer to Himself in the realization of how much they need Him.

Ira Yarbrough
In the morning I prayed... God answered me
Before the morning I had prayed... God answered me
Tomorrow morning I will pray... God will answer me. ..I may have to wait a while, but I know God will answer me.
He is working at all times past, present, and future. He is working in you.
He hears your cry..
just wait,
He'll answer.
"I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I shall see the goodness of God in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Wait for the Lord!" ~Psalm 27:13,14
ReplyDeleteThanks friend!
wow! I was just thinking yesterday that really the sun is setting somewhere all the time, constantly setting, and about how cool it would be to watch a video of the constant sunset from when God first created the universe to when he comes back! How cool would that be! Oh OH! new epiphany!!! AND at the same time it is constantly setting, it is constantly RISING somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!! Our God is
ReplyDeleteI just ran out of words. No way to describe Him the way I want to. He is the I Am. :) And He loves us. :)