Saturday, July 24, 2010

All I Want to Do

Thouroghly enjoyed a good Friday. Worked in the morning till noon and then it was off to an afternoon with friends, coffee, and artsey adventures. I finally got to visit a renoun...(at least among my socials) Coffeshop/Bikeshop. Really enjoyed its brew and company. After a couple more caffinated drinks around town, we decided that a movie was in order. I watched "The Proposal"(since I hadn't seen it before) while the other two did some custom stitchwork on our favorite shoes. My one of my TOMS shoes had a fray after washing them in the washer... so we found some great patch material to.. well.. patch it up. The patches ended up great and I love my TOMS even more now (1) because they are more personally me and (2) because they have evidence of loving friends and good times.

I must say though, my favorite part of the night was sitting on Connally's poarch in the cool of the evening.. discussing, listening, venting, and reflecting over a cup of Chamomile Tea. Now I truely understand why she loves it so much.

If only there could be more days like these.


  1. It makes me happy whenever I see pictures of friends TOMS that I had a part in helping decorate. :) Good times had by all!!

  2. love the TOMS...and loved the front porch heart-to-heart :) come around more often, friend!
