Rainy Day.
Low on gas, but still using what's left to get away.
Grande Pike's Peak with sugar, honey, and cream.
Window seat.
Watching the fog tear away from the dark mountains.
I don't know what I have more in common with right now;
Clouds or Mountains.
Clouds: rising from the earth to a white sky, leaving behind the known solid ground only to drift... leaving their tears behind.
Mountains: standing strong on their foundations despite the storms washing around them. Dark against the white sky, seeming mournful to see the clouds fly away.. not wanting them to go, but knowing they must.
Was it the Rain?
There is one thing that Rain makes me think of... Gratitude. I've spoken of it before, but just to remind, it is a song about Taking what God has given as provision and Thanking Him for it even though it may not have been the way You thought He should have provided. Understanding that He has the BEST understanding of needs... NEEDS (not wants).
Natan, hope you are doing well! Just read your last three posts. I loved your grandparents and their cabin and the Ice cream shop and the creeks and black bears when we were there to visit during the first MK retreat! Glad you are able to enjoy being there. I've been keeping up with your padres too. They really are amazing! Keeping you and them in my prayers! -Jen