Thursday, March 25, 2010

The New Deal

Okay, I think we have all agreed at one point of our life or another that growing up sucks.
I'm realizing more and more how much I need to pick up the pace. Procrastination is a favorite past time.... and of course my excuse is "I work better under pressure" which is true. But truly? I gotta get on the ball here. I think that's the last thing God wants to get into me before going back up to School.
Now, I'm not saying He can't do more, I'm just saying that I can plainly see that this is already an area needing work. Hoping my new classes (which are crazy intense reading and long papers)will help get me back in the game.
Not only school, but personal projects for people, college research... lots of stuff.
I keep hearing this reoccurring .... thought.. I guess: "FORGETTING THE OLD, BEHOLD, I AM DOING A NEW THING" .. It's from Isaiah something (I don't have a Bible right here).
Makes me wonder.
Just pray I have patience for all of it. I've been waiting so long that, now as I am beginning to see what I think is the mile marker to "move on," I'm getting antsy.


  1. bleh! on growing up. sad day.

    but totally understand where you're coming from though. procrastination is a huge downfall of mine as well.

    PS did you mean "antsy" at the end? as in, getting restless?? lol.
