Tuesday, January 18, 2011

And we're Back....

Back to the races again!!!
School officially starts tomorrow along with Snow Crew in the morning and Dish crew after breakfast. Hello routine!!! I've missed you.
 Had a nice drive up to the North land with a friend and his dad. Crazy all that God has provided for me to be here. I gotta get off to dinner, and then Jail ministry at 7pm, but thought I'd toss out a couple things ...

-"If you're going to pray, don't worry. Because, if you're going to worry, why pray?"
-When you're really letting God be in control, things rarely turn out the way you think... they turn out better.
-When in doubt, Trust God.
-"Never doubt in the dark what God showed you in the light"


  1. good reminders. thanks for sharing, friend!

    sorry i've been so out of touch. the last few days have been craziness overload. but life should slow down as i get back into some sort of routine, i think...

    good luck on classes:)
