Monday, December 13, 2010

Deck the Halls

Gotta get a quicky one in, in honor or Open House.

This is the one night out of the year that the guys can go see the girls' dorms and vice-versa. Didn't take any pics of the other floors since I didn't think it'd be appropriate to post someone else' personal life on my blog. But here's a few of my room. We had a dorm event to Wally-World the week before and decorated the rest of that night.

I realized how long it had been since I had made paper chains

They go out the window and back in the otherside so you can see them outide

My Desk area

Pumpkin Cookies, Peppermint Kisses, and Popcorn..mmm

The quote section of my Bible lying open for reading pleasures

1 comment:

  1. dude. i miss you.

    oh and brilliant photos. i rather like christmas decorations:)
