Green=Me, Green=broken heart, ergo, Me=broken heart.
However, though for a time I had a deeply wounded heart, yes, even broken, I cannot deny the fact that The LORD has done mighty things in that outlook. Sure I’m hurt and I spend time playing “what if” and “when”… but I realize that this avails nothing. Things are the way they are. God has been healing me and bringing me to a place where I rely on Him for love and satisfaction. After all, what greater place to find it then in the All knowing, all Powerful, and Self-sufficient One.
I want to be at that place where the only one I need or even want is Him. My heart’s desire is to be close to Him and His alone.

So if I’m Green…. Then, the opposite of Green, the opposite of Me, is RED… the Lord. Just as His red love poured out on the cross washing away my crimson stains to make me white as snow.
Two things that keep running through my head and heart;
“I’m still here”…and… “It’ll be okay, trust Me.”
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