It really fits my personality as a matter of fact.
It's peaceful/soothing.. or so say the hospitals.. which I like to be.
It's always related to life and new beginnings.. which I've had both of.
It's the color of grass... which I love to walk barefoot through (even though I'm slightly allergic).
It's the color of "chill"... the sun gleaming through the leaves into your hammock of a home.
....I don't wear a lot of green, but when I do, it makes me feel very comfortable and ME.
the funny thing is that I first started liking the color green because my sister did. ((Shout out to ya El... love ya tons. You're my hero!))
Besides all that though... there are always those slight twinges of pain in my heart about "green."
It's not the crazy tree-huggers movement...every one has a passion.
It's not the weird green pancakes I never want to taste again... my mom will never live that one down.
..."it reminds me"

It's that land of always green and never winter.... "of everything we did"
It's this soft and warming green around by body.... "of everything we said"

It's those green eyes that haunt me in my memories.... "it rushes through my head it finds me, close to you."