Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Will it ever get better than tonight?

It has been snowing ALL day. BIG Flakes… I feel really bad for the UPS guy bringing in the packages right now because the wind has really picked up. However, as I watched the swirling clumps be redirected a in the wind, I was reminded of a post from Connally, so long ago….Ironically, it also was from a snowy February evening talking about Glitter in the Air. It's one of my favorites.

Snow is so cleansing. It covers all the dirty brown ugliness that winter cold brings. It is so gentle and yet contains such qualities that people fear venturing out. Really makes me think of our Great and Cosmic, Almighty God; Creator of all… and Lover of our souls. So great, so strong…. And yet as gentle as a winter snow. Though my sins were ascarlet, because of His love He made a way to cover them and make them white as snow.

Happy February

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