You've strained and climbed this formation for the sole purpose of jumping off. The hard work and sweat will be summed up in 2 seconds of thrill. But are you different after those 2 seconds? Have you changed? Was the jump worth the climb? That's a question you'll have to answer yourself, but for me?
I'll have to see.
Ya, leaving school that I loved to get right with the Lord and family hurt. It was a high cliff... one I thought I had just been working up another mountain. I didn't realize that I would come to a point of decision like I did. We all get there... that moment of truth... its either go over the edge or go home.
I went over the edge and went home.
Now here I am at another day of expectation. After today my life will never be the same.
Okay, I'm building this up to be something really huge when it's not that big of a deal, but I guess for me it's just one of a few changes in my life. Tomarrow I'm getting back into school (different school) since a year ago. I'm excited and expectant. And even though it's not a World altering decision or event, I think it's the green light for me to keep growing up and move on from the past. Things are changeing... always changeing...
I've come to realize that change isn't always easy.. (but i'm no rocket scientist).. but it's always worth it. If I had ever known how much pain I would go through in order to get to where I am now, I probly would have bailed on the spot. But now I am where I am... and I wouldn't take back the pain for anything. It made me.
So what are you gonna do? You don't have much time to decide... are you gonna let the Lord change you? Take that leap, leave your worries behind on the rocky platform and watch as an ocean of understanding, love, grace, maturity, and intimacy comes speeding up to you.
All it takes is one little step...

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