Thursday, April 1, 2010


Why is it that sitting down in a monotonous room for almost 9 straight hours makes me ready for bed by 10:30, but going for a run in the middle in the early morning and working out in the sun all day can make me ready to pull an movie all nighter?
Whatever the reason, I've decided that it's a little confused. Is it the sun? I can see how getting your fill of good'ole Vitamin D can be helpful to your out look to the day, ...(e.g. "brighter") but what if SunnyD is thrown into the over sized cubical?
I guess my final say on the matter is this:

WINDOWS PEOPLE!!! WINDOWS!!!! ...and it wouldn't hurt to keep the blood moving up to my brain (especially if you want me to actually remember the lectures), so throw a treadmill into the mix and you can guarantee my full attention....
..until I wipe out with a tread burn on my face for not paying attention to where my feet are. ;(

Okay I need to go to bed... (guess what I did all day)

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